Dalaroo Metals Secures Option For Greenland Project

Dalaroo Metals secured an option to acquire the Blue Lagoon zirconium, niobium and rare earth project in southern Greenland. The project has been sampled as part of historic, regional stream sediment surveys and shows a geochemical anomaly footprint similar to the Kvanefjeld project. Notably, historic surveying indicates no elevated uranium content, which is positive due […]
Amaroq Discovers Epithermal System In Southern Greenland

Amaroq Minerals reported initial exploration results from its newly awarded Johan Dahl Land License package in southern Greenland. Initial exploration at the 666.51 km2 large license area returned gold grades up to 12.3g/t and copper grades up to 5.1% in quartz-sulfide veins at the Ukaleq target. The mineralization appears to be related to an intermediate-to-high […]
Eclipse Metals Provides Gronnedal Update

Eclipse Metals provided an update on its Gronnedal REE project in Greenland. The company is currently assaying selected samples of historic drill cores that have previously been analyzed with XRF technology. The historic holes have been drilled in the vicinity of the company’s shallow JORC resource at the carbonatite complex and could be used to […]
Amaroq Reports New Gold Discovery In Southern Greenland

Amaroq Minerals reported the discovery of auriferous quartz veins from its Eagle’s Nest prospect, located 31km northeast of its Nalunaq gold mine in southern Greenland. Field exploration followed up on multiple gold-mineralized float samples on the slope of a mountain and successfully located two outcropping, gold-mineralized quartz veins, with chip samples returning up to 54.5g/t […]
Amaroq Intersects Visible Gold At New Prospect

Amaroq Minerals published assay results from maiden drilling at its Nanoq project in southern Greenland. The scout drilling program, totaling 133.1m, successfully intersected multiple high-grade gold zones in orogenic quartz veins, returning up to 3.2m @ 19.51g/t Au, including 0.5m @ 123g/t Au in drill hole NAN2401 together with coarse visible gold mineralization. Based on […]
XRF Data Indicates Gronnedal Depth Potential

Eclipse Metals reported the identification of REE mineralization in historic core from its Gronnedal prospect in Greenland. While the results are preliminary, relying on XRF technology, they indicate the continuation of REE mineralization at greater depth than what has recently been defined via shallow drilling and trenching. According to the company, historic airborne EM surveys […]
80 Mile Reports Dundas Hard Rock Exploration Target

80 Mile plc reported a maiden JORC exploration target for hard rock ilmenite at its Dundas project in northwestern Greenland. The hard rock resource is related to ilmenite-bearing sills underlying and adjacent to the titanium sand resources along the beaches and amounts to 170 to 540 million tons of ilmenite-bearing material with a TiO2 grade […]
Ilmenite in Dundas Bedrock Discovered

Bluejay Mining reported assay results from bedrock sampling at its Dundas Ilmenite project in Greenland. The bedrock samples were originally derived from previous drilling campaigns that focused on the ilmenite-rich beach sands at Dundas but not as much on the underlying bedrock. 74 bedrock samples from underneath the beach have recently been analyzed and returned […]
Eclipse Metals Gains Access To Historic Core

Eclipse Metals reported it gained access to 19,000m of historic core drilled at its Ivigtut project in Greenland during the 1940s. The company is currently planning to ship 2,500m of core to a European lab for hyperspectral core scanning. The core includes six drill holes that tested the Gronnedal REE mineralization to a depth of […]
Amaroq Minerals Copper Exploration Update

Amaroq Minerals published an update on copper exploration in southern Greenland. Based on a larger-scale mineralized system modeling approach, data review, and recent findings, the company sees a new copper belt emerging in southern Greenland. The belt stretches from historic copper occurrences on the west coast into the Johan Dahl Land some 150km to the […]