Covering Mineral Exploration in the Nordics

Northern Explorer Scandinavian Exploration and mining news logo

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Gold Sponsors

ALS logo

right solutions.
right partner.


Svemin - Swedish Association of Mines, Mineral and Metal Producers

Exploration Consultancy with a focus on Scandinavia

Silver Sponsors

msalabs logo

Geochemical Laboratory: ISO 9001 and ISO 17025 accredited

Metals for modern life

Responsible gold mining

Core drilling and in-hole surveys

Core drilling, as it should be

Bronze Sponsors

Borehole, surface, and airborne geophysical services.

Swedish Geological Survey

The go to choice for all your prospecting drilling needs

Drone based geophysical services

Geophysical & Rock Mechanical Services

Experts in geophysics, geology, mineral exploration and mine development

Hyperspectral-based exploration services

Drill Core Boxes

Wide range of geological and technical services

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