GTK web explorer (Geology, mining and exploration permits etc)
TUKES – mining registry web explorer
TUKES – mining and exploration permitting
GTK – Spatial products database
SYKE (Finnish environmental agency) – Web explorer and database
NLS (National Land Survey of Finland) – Database for topographical data
Coming soon – because we detected some cases of grade smearing in Scandinavia!
How to use the metal equivalent calculator: 1: Enter metal prices of your choice. 2: Enter drill hole interval. 3: Click calculate.
Interval (m) | Au (g/t) | Ag (g/t) | Cu (%) | Zn (%) | Pb (%) |
AuEq (g/t) | AgEq (g/t) | CuEq (%) | ZnEq (%) | PbEq (%) |
AuEq (g/t) | AgEq (g/t) | CuEq (%) | ZnEq (%) | PbEq (%) |
Coming soon: Prefer to do the calculation yourself? Then download the files below.