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Mineral Exploration Consultancy

Enonkoski Update

Bluejay Mining announced the completion of its 2021 exploration program at the Enonkoski Ni-Cu-Co project, advanced together with JV partner Rio Tinto. Over the previous year, the company drilled a total of 4149.45m of diamond core, 99 top of bedrock holes, completed DHEM surveys on 22 drill holes, conducted UAV magnetic surveys and geological fieldwork. Notably, the recently completed diamond drilling campaign intersected Ni-Cu sulfide droplet zones that have elsewhere been identified in close vicinity of more massive ore. According to the company, the ToB sampling returned visual sulfide mineralization in mafics in 13 holes and overall worked well to map the contacts between intrusions and surrounding gneisses. Assays for both, diamond and ToB drilling, as well the interpretation of DHEM data are currently pending.