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More results from Helmi discovery

Aurion Resources reported new intersections from the Helmi Au gold prospect, recently discovered by JV partner B2 Gold. Hole IKK21010 intersected 45.8m @ 1.11 g/t Au, hole IKK21014 intersected 1.78g/t Au over 10.85m and 18 g/t Au over 1.4m and hole IKK 21016 intersected 11.39g/t Au over 2.04m to name a few. The seven holes reported in this press release represent the final holes from the 5000m maiden drill program, where 17 of 20 holes intersected gold mineralization. A follow-up, winter drilling campaign with two drill rigs testing strike and dip extensions as well as new geophysical and geochemical targets is ongoing.



Helmi Drill Hole location, Au intercepts on 2VD Aeromag data ย (Source: