Covering Mineral Exploration in the Nordics

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Mineral Exploration Consultancy

Northgold – Drilling Program Completed

Northgold reported the completion of its 2023 drill program, including 2274m of diamond drilling and nearly 1000m of overburden drilling for base of till geochemical sampling. Most of the drilling focused on testing the depth extension of the main mineralized trend at the Kopsa flagship project. Two holes were drilled at the Kiimala Trend project, testing different prospects. Bottom of till drilling aimed to further advance the Kospa SW target, approx. 1km south of Kopsa, as well as several prospects at the Kiimala Trend project. Assays are pending on all drill holes.

Surface mapping and soil sampling have now been initiated and will focus on a number of new targets across the Kiimala Trend project as well as the recently acquired Hirsikangas project.


Cross section (60m wide slice) showing recent exploration areas relative to 2022 and historic assay results (Source: www.northgoldabcom)