Covering Mineral Exploration in the Nordics

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Mineral Exploration Consultancy

High-Grade Gold From Kuusamo

Latitude 66 reported a high-grade gold intercept from recent drilling at its Kuusamo Schist Belt project. Two holes have been drilled testing extensions of known mineralization at the K9 prospect. Dill Hole L66K9DD010 returned 22.4m @ 2.4g/t Au, 0.07% Co and 0.16% Cu, including 9.5m @ 3.7g/t Au, 0.09% Co, 0.24% Cu and 4.3m @ 3.2g/t Au, 0.09% Co. The second hole was stopped at 92m after structural measurements indicated an orientation subparallel to the mineralized structure.

Additional drill testing of possible K9 extensions and other high-priority tartest is planned for August 2024.


Plan view map of the K9 prospect with latest results from L66K9DD010 (Source: