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Mineral Exploration Consultancy

Kuniko Identifies Multiple Conductors

Kuniko reported the identification of multiple conductors at its Ringerike project in Norway. Recent ground EM surveys were successful in identifying three conductors at the Langedalen trend. Two of the conductors occur in proximity to the historic Tysklandsgruve mine, where massive sulfide mineralization has been mined from the mineralized margins of a gabbronorite in the 19th century. The third conductor was identified at the Asktjern target several hundred meters to the north. While not associated with historic workings, this conductor coincides with mapped metagabbros and sulfide stringers.

As part of an ongoing field reconnaissance program, the company plans to ground truth the newly identified conductors to evaluate them as potential drill targets.

Location of the identified conductors at the Tysklandsgruve and Asktjern targets (Source: