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Sala – New High-Grade Zones Identified

Alicanto Minerals announced the identification of new high-grade silver and zinc zones at its Sala project in central Bergslagen. Recent drilling by the company at the southern extension of the prince load intersected e.g. 3.8m @ 259g/t Ag, 0.2% Zn, and 8.6% Pb in drill hole SAL2340. A two-hole drill program has further been successful in intercepting Sala-style galena-silver mineralization at the Finntorpet target along the Hyttskogen fault zone to the southwest of the prince load.

The company was further able to recover additional historic core from an area immediately north of the historic Sala Silver mine and around the historic Bronäs mine. Intersections include e.g. 2m @ 104g/t Ag, 14.8% Zn, and 1.5% Pb in drill hole Bergenstiernas 63-23, immediately north of the historic Sala mine or 6.4m @ 53g/t Ag, 7% Zn and 0.9% Pb in drill hole Bronäs 7B, north of the historic Bronäs mine.


Plan view map over the Sala Silver-Zinc project with MRE blockmodel outline and recent extension drilling results. Image edited after Jansson et al 2019. (Source:

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