Covering Mineral Exploration in the Nordics

Hammaslahti Drilling Commences

Picture of TheNorhternExplorer

Geologist & Author

Picture of TheNorhternExplorer

Geologist & Author

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Bluejay Mining announced the start of diamond drilling at its Hammaslahti Copper-Zinc-Lead-Gold-Silver project in Eastern Finland. Initially, the company plans to test the high-grade E-lode, discovered in 2014 with 1500-2000m. Drilling will target up and down-plunge extensions but also provide infill drill holes to delineate a maiden resource estimate. Due to its proximity to the historic infrastructure, the E-lode could support the redevelopment of the down plunge continuations of the Z, N, and S lenses that remain open down plunge.


Hammaslahti ore lodes with selected intercepts (Source:

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