Covering Mineral Exploration in the Nordics

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Basin Energy Reports Frist Pass Results

Örebro County, Sweden: Basin Energy received assay results from reconnaissance mapping at its Prästun and HÃ¥kantorp projects in Sweden. At HÃ¥kantorp, where numerous iron occurrences have been mined historically, sampling efforts of tailings and boulder material near the historic mine sites returned elevated REE and U3O8 values, up to 0.39%. While the controls on the […]

Aurion Sings Deal With KoBold Metals

Lapland, Finland: Aurion Resources signed a definitive agreement with KoBold Exploration Finland Oy that grants Kobold up to 75% interest in an approximately 35km2 large area in the eastern part of Aurion’s Risti project in northern Finland. Notably, the agreement is focusing on base and battery metals while Aurion will retain full ownership of gold […]

Final Resampling Results Received

Prospech Limited reported the final results of its resampling program of historic core from the Korsnäs REE project. Significant intersections from the latest batch include for example 7.7m @ 35,063ppm TREO, including 6.3m @ 41,581ppm TREO, and 6.5m @ 15,849ppm TREO, including 1.2m @ 46,042ppm TREO. In total, the company has now evaluated 479 historic […]

Positive Mineralogical Study Results From Bergby

United Lithium reported positive results from a mineralogical study at its Bergby Lithium project in central Sweden. Composite sampling of pegmatites B, C, D, and E revealed head grades of 1.03%, 1,72%, 1.49%, and 1.14% Li2O, respectively. Additional mineral abundance analysis and characterizations further revealed that Spodumene is the primary lithium mineral, accounting for 11.9% […]

Blue Moon Metals Acquires Repparfjord Assets

Blue Moon Metals announced the acquisition of all the shares in Repparfjord Eiendom AS, a private Norwegian company that holds significant infrastructure assets adjacent to Blue Moon Metals Nussir project. Among other benefits, the acquisition will give Blue Moon access to port facilities for large ships, a fully permitted aggregate mine, a license to use […]

Basin Energy Reports Results From Virka Project

Basin Energy reported assay results from fieldwork at its newly acquired Virka project in northern Sweden. The Q4 2024 sampling campaign successfully identified two different, structurally controlled mineralization styles – base metal mineralization and lead-uranium-REE mineralization. Samples from an outcropping base metal occurrence returned up to 8.98% Zn, 9.15% Pb, 0.34%Cu, 425g/t Ag, and 0.47g/t […]

Dalaroo Metals Secures Option For Greenland Project

Dalaroo Metals secured an option to acquire the Blue Lagoon zirconium, niobium and rare earth project in southern Greenland. The project has been sampled as part of historic, regional stream sediment surveys and shows a geochemical anomaly footprint similar to the Kvanefjeld project. Notably, historic surveying indicates no elevated uranium content, which is positive due […]

New Assay Results From Korsnäs

Prospech Limited continues to deliver high-grade REE assays from historic core from its Korsnäs REE project in Finland. Recent assay results returned, for example, 11.9m @ 11,010ppm TREO, including 5.1m @ 17,790ppm TREO in drill hole SO-021, validating and updating the company’s resource model. Simultaneously to further re-assaying of historic core the company is also […]

Kupukan Reports Initial Drill Results from Graphite Project

Kupukan Grafiitti reported initial assay results from recent drilling at its Finnish graphite project. Drill holes KUP-002 and KUP-003 returned a wide intersection of graphite-rich gneisses, returning e.g. 112.4m @ 4.5% Cg, including 17.70m @ 5.2%Cg and 22.55m @ 9.2% Cg in drill hole two.   Kupukka drill hole map on EM anomaly map (Source: […]

Basin Energy Reports High Grade Uranium Assays

Basin Energy reported the identification of high-grade uranium mineralization at several prospects in Northern Sweden. The highest grades, appear to be linked to vein and shear-hosted uranium mineralization at the Björkberg target, with two samples exceeding the detection limit of 2.95% U3O8. Further vein-related mineralization with grades up to 0.67% U3O8 and the occurrence of […]