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Rupert Resources announced the completion of a pre-feasibility study for its Ikkari project
Rupert Resources announced the completion of a pre-feasibility study for its Ikkari project
Bluelake Mineral announced it entered into an option agreement to take over the power line to the Joma mine
Sotkamo Silver reported a vehicle fire and temporarily halted production at the silver mine
Sotkamo Silver reported a vehicle fire and temporarily halted production at the silver mine
Endomines published an updated mineral resource estimate for Kuittila, resulting in a 98% increase compared to the previous year
Grangex provided an update its royalty deals with Anglo American
Grangex provided an update its royalty deals with Anglo American
Boliden has been granted the mining concession for the Nautanen mine
Boliden has been granted the mining concession for the Nautanen mine
Ragnar Metals reported results from reprocessing of VLF geophysics data at its Viken Energy metals project
Lappland Guldprospektering reported the conclusion of its Graninge drilling program
Lappland Guldprospektering reported the conclusion of its Graninge drilling program
Leading Edge Material announced it is working on a rapid development plan for Norra Kärr
Leading Edge Material announced it is working on a rapid development plan for Norra Kärr
Botnia Exploration reported an increase in mineral reserves of its Fäbodtjärn gold mine to 172kt @ 7.56g/t Au for a total of 1299kg gold
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