Covering Mineral Exploration in the Nordics

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Mineral Exploration Consultancy

Helmi Discovery Extended

Aurion Resources provided an update from its Helmi project advanced together with JV partner B2 Gold. Results from 14 holes from the 2022 winter drilling program returned several new intercepts at Helmi, e.g. 2.44g/t Au over 43.45m in drill hole IKK22029. Notably, an intersection of 39m @ 1.46g/t Au in drill hole IKK22025 significantly extends the mineralized zone towards the west.

In addition to the expansion at Helmi, drill hole KUE22011 intersected 1.4m @ 39.4g/t Au, defining a new zone of gold mineralization some 900m to the northwest. The company advised that assays for 12 additional holes are currently pending and a summer drilling program has commenced.


Significant new gold intercepts at Helmi (Source: