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Mestersvig Exploration Update

Conico provided an exploration update from its Mestersvig project in Eastern Greenland. A total of 10 diamond holes have been drilled during the 2022 field season, with 8 holes intersecting disseminated, heavily disseminated, and/or matrix sulfides. Assay results are expected within 6-8 weeks. Notably, the Zn, Pb & Cu sulfides logged in the core are consistent with mineralization observed at the historic Blyklippen Mine and Sortebjerg prospect. The company notes that multiple kilometers of un-drilled mineralized quartz vein-bearing faults remain to be tested at the project and that fieldwork at the Nuldal prospect resulted in the discovery of additional mineralization in form of a massive galena outcrop up to 1m thick.


Massive galena outcropping at the Nuldal prospect (Source:

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