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Mineral Exploration Consultancy

Mestersvig 2022 Exploration Results

Conico reported 2022 drill and rock chip sampling results from its Mestersvig project in eastern Greenland. The drilling program targeted a fault structure running for 9km between the Blyklippen and Sortebjerg prospects, returning multiple intersections with a style and grade of mineralization analogous to the historic Blyklippen mine. The best hole, SBDD003 returned 4.5m @ 7.7g/t Ag and 23.8% Zn from the Sortebjerg prospect. High-grade assay results from rock chip sampling across the property further confirmed the occurrence of subparallel mineralized vein structures at the Holberg and Nuldal prospects that have seen none to limited historic exploration and are planned to be investigated by the company in more detail. A review of historic data further led the company to believe that lead mineralization at the Pingo Dal prospect, 38km to the south of the Blyklippen mine could be part of the same ore district.


SBDD003 showing quartz vein hosted sphalerite mineralization and associated assay results (Source: