Covering Mineral Exploration in the Nordics

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Mineral Exploration Consultancy

Råna Ni-Cu-Co Acquisition

Kingsrose Mining announced it entered into a transaction implementation agreement for a staged investment into the Råna Nickel-Copper-Cobalt project. The project is centered around the past-producing Bruvann Mine near Narvik, Norway. At Bruvann, historic production is reported to have totaled 8.5Mt @ 0.5% Ni, 0.1%Cu, and 0.03% Cu, and mineralization remains open in multiple directions. In addition, a large conductor to the north of the mine and copper mineralization south of the mine warrant further investigation. At the Rånbogen prospect to the NE of Bruvann, massive sulfide mineralization outcrops at surface over a 1.6km long zone that remains largely undrilled.

The company plans Deep Penetrating Audio Magnetotelluric surveys to locate concealed massive sulfide bodies, an airborne magnetic survey to model intrusion morphology, and expects to commence drilling later in the Norwegian Summer.


Råna project overview exploration map (Source: