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District Metals – Tåsjö Project

District Metals announced it received approval of the Tåsjö mineral license applications in north-central Sweden. Similar to the Viken deposit, Tåsjö is prospective for critical energy minerals and metals and is hosted by a similar geological setting.

A historic exploration target for the Tåsjö field of 75 to 150Mt @ 0.03 to 0.07% U3O8, 0.11 to 0.24% REE, and 3.75 to 7.5% P205 was proposed by the Swedish Atomic Energy Company in 1964.

Notably, historic exploration in the area focused on the Ordovician lycophoria schist, while the much thicker, underlying Cambro-Ordovician Alum Shale (Viken Deposit host unit) was not fully explored. The Alumn shale at Tåsjö is known to reach a thickness of up to 400m, caused by folding and thrusting. A historic drill hole from 1979 intersected 258.3m of Alum shale, from surface to the end of the hole but was never assayed.


Tåsjö mineral licenses (Source: