Covering Mineral Exploration in the Nordics

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Mineral Exploration Consultancy

Ertelien – Final Assay Results

Kuniko reported the final assay results from its maiden drilling campaign at the Ertelien Nickel prospect. Among others, drill hole KNI_ER005 returned 4.8m @ 0.89% Ni, 0.43% Cu, 0.06% Co, 0.16g/t 3E and 4m @ 0.83% Ni, 0.45% Cu, 0.05% Co, 0.13g/t 3E. Following its maiden drilling at Ertelien, the company identified two mineralized domains, a primary, intrusion-hosted phase and a structurally emplaced zone in the footwall gneisses. Future work will focus on the intrusion-hosted mineralization as this domain demonstrates a more significant resource potential (KNI_ER001).


Cross section through Kuniko’s maiden drill campaign at Ertelien (Source: