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More massive sulfides from Tomtebo

District Metals reported another hit from its flagship Tomtebo project in central Bergslagen. Drill hole TOM21-028 intersected “30.4m of continuous, intense sulfide mineralization, including 16.85m of massive sulphides”. The hole targeted the 118m gap between TOM21-001 and TOM21-025, both intersecting massive sulfides. The mineralization consists of sphalerite, galena, pyrite, pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite, with assays expected to be returned after the previously shipped off, first three holes. TOM21-027, designed as a depth step out intersected stringer sulfides down plunge of the mineralization encountered in 025 and 028 and is interpreted to have clipped the edge of the sulfide lense. The company now interprets the massive sulfides intersected in TOM21-001 to potentially represent a “separate and parallel massive sulfide lense”. Drilling is ongoing with a total of 2.021m drilled at the date of this release.


Cross-section through the Steffenburgs Zone, Tomtebo (Source: