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Exploration update from New Peak Metals

New Peak Metals reported the completion of a 10 hole, 1955m drill program at its Finnish Satulinmäki gold project. The program was designed to test several concepts regarding the “possible controls of the previously intersected, high-grade gold zones”. Preliminary, visual inspection of the drill holes indicate that “encouraging weak to moderate visual mineralization has been intersected across the mineralized corridor”. Of further interest is hole SM0017, intersecting additional visual mineralization (quartz veining associated with weak to moderate pyrite, pyrrhotite, and arsenopyrite), some 200m to the NE from the main mineralized corridor – potentially enlarging the footprint of the mineralized system. According to the company, a full evaluation will be possible, when analytical results are returned in the beginning of 2022.


Drill collar location map -Satulinmäki project (Source: