Covering Mineral Exploration in the Nordics

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Maiden Cobalt Discovery in Finland

Lat 66 Cobalt announced a significant, maiden new cobalt discovery from its Kuusamo Schist Belt Cobalt-Gold-Copper Project in northern Finland. The discovery hole L66K9DD001, from the K9 target, returned 51.7m @ 0.44% Co, 0.24 g/t Au, 0.07% Cu, including 8.3m @1.02% Co. According to the company, exploration success is based on an in-house model for the Kuusamo Schist Belt. The K9 target was initially outlined in a 2018 desktop prospectivity review and further confirmed through base of till geochemical and ground-based geophysical surveys between 2019-2021. According to the company, pending results from downhole geophysical surveys and drill core structural assessments will guide the next phase of drilling at K9.


Section through Lat 66’s drill hole L66K9DD001 (Source: