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Exploration Update From Paubäcken

Gold Line Resources reported final results from its 2021 BOT and diamond drilling program at the Paubäcken project in northern Sweden. Drill hole PAU21004 intersected a zone of similar geology, structure, and alteration as encountered in previously released drill hole PAU21003, 60m to the north, however, only associated with two zones of low-grade gold mineralization. Drill hole PAU21005, situated some 220m southeast of PAU21004, did not intercept the same structural and geological corridor and is interpreted to have been drilled parallel to the main structural trend.

The company also reported new BOT results from several prospects at Paubäcken. At the main, Aida target, follow-up sampling resulted in the definition of multiple Au anomalies and associated pathfinder elements 500m to the north of known mineralization. According to the company, the anomalies correlate with two structural corridors, of which one appears to be related to the high-grade mineralization encountered in PAU21003.

At the Belle prospect, BOT drilling defined a step out to a previously identified anomaly further to the south, while BOT drilling at the Harpsund target resulted in the definition of a cluster of Au anomalous rocks, coincident with a de-mag feature and a favorable structural setting.


2020/2021 BOT results. New results are indicated by black outlines (Source: