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Mineral Exploration Consultancy

Large Anomalies Defined At Tullsta

Ragnar Metals published results from downhole IP modeling at its Granmuren Deep discovery in central Sweden. Designed to detect low resistivity – high conductance geological bodies and anomalous chargeability zones caused by sulfide mineralization, the survey was successful in defining a large, mineralized gabbroic body that remains open at depth and appears to have additional, lobes and chambers near the main body. Importantly, the model correlates well with geological information and assay results from previous drilling, including the major intersection of 146.3m @ 0.56% Ni, 0.49% Cu, and 0.05% Co in drill hole 21DDTS007.

The company further advised that a review of VTEM data that led to the initial discovery in 2011, produced new anomalies to the east of the main mineralization. In addition to follow-up drilling, at Granmuren, scheduled to commence in June, these new targets as well as other recorded gabbroic occurrences at Tullsta will be investigated more closely over the coming months.


Granmuren 3D model showing DHIP-R Conductivity block model (green) and IP Chargeability model (red with orange outline) (Source: