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Mineral Exploration Consultancy

Drilling Commences At Granmuren

Ragnar Metals announced the start of drilling at Granmuren. The first stage of the 3000m diamond drill program aims to test the base of the intrusion, interpreted as the best zone for massive to semi-massive sulfide mineralization. Stage two will drill test the upper parts of the system, between shallow historic mineralization and drill hole 21DDTS007 as well as investigate additional lobes away from the main intrusive chamber. Additionally, drill hole 21DDTS001, which ended in a separate gabbroic body, has been reopened and grouted in order to complete geophysical surveys. Notably, the company’s consultants from GeoVista have sourced additional historic data supporting the western down plunge extension of the intrusion as well as offset faulting to the east, providing additional targets.


Updated drill plan plotted over geophysical model at Granmuren (Source: