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Mineral Exploration Consultancy

Resource Expansion Targets Identified At LK

Palladium One reported the identification of new resource expansion targets at its LK PGE-Ni-Cu project in northern Finland. Following the completion of a high-resolution drone magnetic survey and a reconnaissance IP survey, the company identified the Lota zone as a high-priority target for resource growth. The Lota zone is interpreted as a flat-lying extension of the Haukiaho trend, indicating favorable geometry for the discovery of additional open pit style mineralization with a minimal strip ratio.

In addition, relogging and resampling of historic drill core from the Haukiaho Trend outlined the potential for additional PGE mineralization along the 17km long trend.

The company further advised that baseline studies and future permitting for the Kaukua deposit area remain on track and schedule.


Lota zone with high-resolution drone mag survey and reconnaissance IP lines (Source: