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Exploration Trenching Results From Rääpysjärvi

Beowulf Mining reported on encouraging exploration results from its wholly owned subsidiary Grafintec Oy. Four exploration trenches testing a conductive anomaly intersected significant flake graphite mineralization, grading e.g. 10.6m @ 4.33% total graphitic carbon (TGC) and 3.8m @ 5.77% TGC in trench RAA-TR1-22, or 1m @ 26% TGC in trench RAA-TR4-22. According to the company, the conductive EM anomalies at Rääpysjärvi are more extensive than at the nearby Aitolampi project which has a Mineral Resource Estimate of 26.7Mt @ 4.8% TGC. To date, only one of 13 electromagnetic anomalies has been trenched, highlighting the potential at Rääpysjärvi.


Map with 13 highlighted conductive zones, location of recent trenching and associated assay results (Source: