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Lainejaur – High-Grade Nickel Intercepts

OX Resources reported the intersection of high-grade Nickel-Copper-Cobalt mineralization at Bayrock’s Lainejaur project. Drill hole LAI23001 returned 4.7m @ 2.0% Ni, 1.6% Cu, 0.1% Co within a wider mineralized section of 22m @ 0.61% Ni, 0.52% Cu and 0.04% Co, confirming the historic mineralization as well as an interpreted broader mineralized envelope. The deposit remains open down dip towards the north with deep extensional drilling planned for February to March 2024. Potential repeat targets are further indicated in geophysics along a 6km trend within Bayrock’s tenement.


Cross section through the Lainejaur deposit with mineralized intercepts (Source: