Covering Mineral Exploration in the Nordics

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Mineral Exploration Consultancy

Nordic Nickel – Step Out Hole Intersects Sulfides

Nordic Nickel reported the interception of visual sulfide mineralization in a step-out drill hole 500m to the south of the Hotinvaara mineral resource estimate boundary. Testing the Hotinsaajo magnetic anomaly, drill hole HOT026 intersected 123.8m of disseminated sulfides, including a net-textured part with patches of massive sulfides over 7.5m. To date, the company has completed 28 drill holes for a total of 15,482m with an updated resource estimate scheduled to be completed by the end of the year.


“Hotinvaara Prospect showing the current MRE (white outline) and the location of drillholes completed as part of the current drill program (green dots). Hotinsaajo magnetic anomaly currently being tested highlighted by dashed black line” (Source: