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Korsnäs Tailings Drilling To Commence In February

Prospech Limited reported further assay results from its ongoing resampling program around the former Korsnäs Lead mine. Highlighted, newly released assay results from the phase 3 sampling program include e.g. 8.6m @ 11,335 ppm TREO, including 4.2m @ 20,192 ppm TREO in drill hole KR-210. Additional assay results are currently pending.

The company further announced plans to systematically drill test the historic tailings storage facility north of the former lead mine. Historic production at Krosnäs did not extract REE minerals until the final years of operation, thereby potentially leaving a significant amount of REEs confined to the old tailings. The 51-hole drill program is scheduled to commence in February and aims to produce enough data for a JORC-compliant estimate of the REE content within the tailings as well as to produce enough sample material for subsequent metallurgical test work.


Planned drill holes over Korsnäs tailings storage facility north of the old lead mine (Source: