Covering Mineral Exploration in the Nordics

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Mineral Exploration Consultancy

High-Grade Cu From Håkansboda

Lovisagruvan reported results from exploration drilling at its Håkansboda prospect, located less than 1km northeast of its active mining operation. As part of a 1322m drilling program, the company tested the historically known copper-cobalt mineralization in three holes, returning e.g. 2.00m @ 1.27% Cu, 0.24% Co in drill hole 23HBD001 or 2.13m @ 1.52% Cu, 16g/t Ag and 5m @ 2.93% Cu in drill hole 23HBD002.

Drilling confirmed the structurally controlled and locally high-grade nature of the Cu-Co mineralization that is known to have historically produced at least 2588t of copper and approximately 70 tons of “cobalt ore”. In combination with historical records, the company views the new results as forming a base to define a mineral resource estimate that could support a future mining lease application.


2023 exploration drilling results together with highlighted historical drill holes from Håkansboda (Source: