Covering Mineral Exploration in the Nordics

Teako Provides Exploration Update

Picture of TheNorhternExplorer

Geologist & Author

Picture of TheNorhternExplorer

Geologist & Author

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Teako Minerals provided an update on ongoing fieldwork at its vast landholdings in Norway. To date, the company’s geological team has concluded a geochemical sampling program at its Hulderdalen, Kvelde, Moelva, and Kiste apatite-REE projects, taking a total of 1024 soil and 135 grab samples.

Following this, the team relocated to the Hellemyr and Merkedammen projects. The Hellemyr licenses are located in the vicinity of the historic Kongsberg mining district and are prospective for polymetallic, silver-rich mineralization. Merkedammen is a historic copper-molybdenum porphyry prospect.


Hellemyr licenses in the historic Kongsberg mining district (Source:

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