Covering Mineral Exploration in the Nordics

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High-Grade Lithium Assays From Finland

Grit Metals reported high-grade lithium from multiple new pegmatite boulder clusters identified at its properties near Keliber’s operations in central Finland.

At the Jylhä North prospect, 34 spodumene-bearing pegmatite boulders (up to 3m diameter) were discovered, defining a >700m long East-Northeast boulder train. Assaying returned between 0.01% to 2.80% Li2O, averaging 0.86 % Li2O. At the Mörkylä prospect, 15 spodumene-bearing pegmatite boulders (up to 4m diameter) form a 275m long Northwest-Southeast trend, assaying between 0.0004% to 2.36% Li2O and averaging 0.54% Li2O.

Jylhä discovery boulder returning 2.33% Li2O (Source: