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Firefox Gold – Drilling update

Firefox Gold provided a drilling update. The company announced that drilling at the Sarvi project, north of Rupert Resources’ recent discovery area, will be starting before the end of January. While waiting for additional results from an ongoing BOT survey in the southern and eastern parts of the property, initial drilling will focus on the northwestern part of the permit, to test several gold and multielement anomalies. Previous work at Sarvi included airborne and ground magnetic surveys, used to identify favorable structural settings, trenching, and BOT sampling. Trenching in the eastern part of the permit returned elevated gold values of 0.23g/t Au over 18m, mostly confined to a graphitic schist.

As part of its winter drilling program, the company so far drilled 7 holes at its Mustajärvi project, 5 holes at the Utsamo prospect as well as 2 holes at the Saittavaara prospect. Assay results from all drill holes are pending.


Exploration map over the Sarvi Project (Source: