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Mineral Exploration Consultancy

Drill Planning at Skuterud

Kuniko Limited provided an update regarding maiden drilling at its Norwegian Skuterud Cobalt Project. Recent work by the company has defined three drill targets (Middagshvile, Damtjern, Dovikkollen B), based on the presence of conductive anomalies, soil sampling data, historic data, and geological context. Permitting is currently underway and the company aims to test the targets with a 7-hole drill program amounting to approx. 2800m in Q2 2022. Kuniko is also currently assessing the possibility of acquiring down-hole geophysical data at the Middagshvile site, given the historic boreholes are open.


Location of three maiden drill targets (Middagshvile, Damtjern, Dovikkollen B) within Kuniko’s exploration licenses (Source: