Covering Mineral Exploration in the Nordics

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Rupert Resources – New Regional Gold Discoveries

Rupert Resources provided an update on its regional exploration campaign. Following up an IP target, approximately 500m north of the Ikkari deposit, drill hole 122154 intersected 2.6m @ 11.7g/t Au and 5m @ 9.8g/t Au while drill hole 122148 returned 16m @ 1.1 g/t Au. The company notes that the strongest part of the anomaly is located close to surface and will be drilled this winter as ground conditions allow.

More gold was also discovered following up a base of till anomaly at the Sisnakka target, 10km south of the Pahtavaara mill. Drill hole 122114 returned 2m @ 6.4g/t Au as well as a narrow chalcopyrite-(gold) vein assaying 1m @ 7.38g/t Au and 1.74% Cu. The company notes that results are pending for eight follow-up holes.


Location of Ikkari North drilling in relation to Ikkari Resource (Source: