Covering Mineral Exploration in the Nordics

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Kingsrose Intersects Massive Sulfide

Kingsrose Mining reported the intersection of massive sulfide at its Råna project in Norway. Targeting a coincident EM and MT conductor, drilling at the Rånbogen prospect resulted in the discovery of nickel-copper-cobalt mineralization in two holes over an inferred strike length of 150m. The best intersection (23RAN002) returned 26.2m @ 0.7% Ni, 0.2% Cu, 0.06% Co, including a high-grade massive and breccia sulfide zone grading 9.3m @ 1.0% Ni, 0.3% Cu, 0.1% Co. Mineralization is open along strike and at depth.

The company notes that several additional targets with similar signatures in the Rånbogen area are yet to be tested and will form the focus of the remaining drilling campaign.


Massive sulfide mineralization in drill hole 23RAN002 (Source: