Covering Mineral Exploration in the Nordics

Latest Assay Results From Bergby

Picture of TheNorhternExplorer

Geologist & Author

Picture of TheNorhternExplorer

Geologist & Author

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United Lithium published the latest assay results from recent drilling at its Bergby lithium project in central Sweden. Highlighted results returned e.g. 0.71% Li2O over 14.11m, including 1.48% Li2O over 4.76m in pegmatite D or 1.45% Li2O over 6.90m, including 1.71% Li2O over 5.76m in pegmatite E. To date, the company has defined lithium mineralization at Bergby in five pegmatites over a total strike length of 4 kilometers.

For the remainder of 2024, the company plans to conduct further geological mapping and sampling together with ground geophysics at Bergby and the newly acquired, adjacent, Axmarby project.


Pegmatite D model with drill traces and intersections (Source:

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