Covering Mineral Exploration in the Nordics

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Mineral Exploration Consultancy

Wide Zone Of Ni-Cu Sulfides At Granmuren

Ragnar Metals reported assay results from a previously announced, visual magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide intersection from its Swedish Granmuren project. The assay from hole 21DDTS007 returned 146.3m @0.56% Ni, 0.49% Cu and 0.05 % Co, including 34m @ 0.9% Ni, 0.8% Cu and 0.08 % Co as well as several other higher-grade zones. The mineralization at Granmuren is hosted by a steeply west dipping gabbro extending from surface to a vertical depth of currently 400m. The company notes, that mineralization appears to increase in grade and thickness at depth and is open down plunge with additional areas to be tested above the here reported intersection. Currently, data modeling of a recently completed downhole IP-Resistivity survey is ongoing and a minimum of four more diamond drill holes are planned to follow up the magmatic sulfide accumulations at Granmuren. In addition, the company also plans to commence regional exploration within its larger tenement package.


Cross section through the intersection in 21DDTS007 at Granmuren (Source: