Covering Mineral Exploration in the Nordics

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Initial pXRF readings from Gronnedal

Eclipse Metals announced initial XRF results from a recently terminated, maiden percussion drilling and trench sampling program at its Ivigtut and Gronnedal project. Initial XRF readings were taken on selected composites before sample shipment for comprehensive analysis to Australia. pXRF readings taken on five 1.5m composite samples from drill hole L3-9, drilled at Gronnedal returned […]

Initial Assay Results From Ryberg

Conico Limited announced initial assays from 2022 drilling at its Ryberg project in eastern Greenland. Drilling at the Miki prospected confirmed the fertile nature of the Miki Dyke with regards to magmatic sulfides and PGE’s, returning e.g. 6m @ 0.27% Cu, 0.06% Ni and 0.31g/t 3E in drill hole MIDD011. At the Sortekap prospect, drilling […]

Intial Assays From Granmuren

Ragnar Metals announced initial assay results from recently reported visual intercepts from its Granmuren Nickel project in central Sweden. Priority assays from a semi-massive sulfide intersection at the base of the gabbroic intrusion in hole 22DDTS010 returned 2.86m @ 1.14% Ni, 0.38% Cu, 0.08 % Co, including 0.71m @ 2.17% Ni, 0.29% Cu, 0.12% Co. […]

More Massive Sulfide From Lappvattnet

Gungnir Resources reported more massive sulfide from recent drilling at the Lappvattnet Nickel deposit in northern Sweden. According to the company, fifteen of sixteen recently completed drill holes in the central part of the deposit intersected sulfide mineralization, ranging from 5-25m core length. Notably, drill holes LAP22-25 and LAP22-23, drilled 80m to the west and […]

High-Grade Graphite From Greenland

GreenRoc Mining reported initial assay results from its 2022, phase two drill program at the Amitsoq Graphite project in southern Greenland. The first assay results from four of 19 phase two drill holes have returned high-grade graphite intersections between 20.99%-24.52% Cg in the main, lower graphite layer and between 17.29%-20.92% Cg in the upper graphite […]

Nordic Nickel Expands Portfolio

Nickel intersctions

Nordic Nickel announced the filing of nine new exploration license applications for a total of 141km2 at its flagship Pulju project. The company further filed an exploration reservation for the 245km2 Tepasto area south of Pulju, where historic exploration identified Copper and Molybdenum mineralization.   Map showing existing and new exploration license applications at Pulju […]

Puolalaki – Geophysics and Diamond Drilling To Commence

Avira Resources announced details for a winter exploration program at its newly acquired Puolalaki Cu-Co-Ni, and Au project in northern Sweden. In detail, the company plans a UAV magnetic survey for approximately 175-275 line kilometers flown at 25-40m line spacing, as well as fixed loop ground EM and borehole TEM surveys. Initial diamond drilling will […]

Exploration Update From Historic Cryolite Mine

Eclipse Metals provided an exploration update from its Ivigtut project in southwest Greenland. 5 trenches were excavated at the historic Ivigtut Cryolite mine dumps, with five tonnes of bulk samples to be shipped and assessed for cryolite, fluorite, quartz, and other potentially economic minerals including REE, lithium, and tin. In addition, 9 percussion holes were […]

Ragnar Metals – 137m Of Visual Nickel Sulfides Intersected

Ragnar Metals

Ragnar Metals announced the intersection of 137m of visual nickel sulfides, including massive and semi-massive zones within the Granmuren gabbroic intrusion. Drill hole 22DDTS012 was drilled towards the northern contact of the gabbroic intrusion, perpendicular to a previous wide intersection in drill hole 21DDTS007 (146.3m @ 0.6% Ni, and 0.5% Cu). According to the company, […]

Kendrick Resources Exploration Update

Kendrick Resources provided an exploration update on its activities in Scandinavia. In Norway, the company continues investigating its Nickel assets, including resampling of historic drill core and meetings with local stakeholders. In Sweden, the company engaged Geovista AB to model geophysical data for the Airijoki and Kullberget projects, collected 521 soil samples at Airijoki and […]